The first one (below) is of Umaru, in blue
The other is of Musoke (in the black tshirt talking at the beginning)
L to R Bashir, Kateregga, Uncle Peter, and a good friend Pastor Dwight
We received this update from Uncle Peter on the boys trip to the Congo. "On our arrival in Congo we received
a pastoral welcome, Derrick and Bashir had a great time as they distributed gospel
tracts to people in Beni market, they were surrounded by a big crowd of people
wanting to receive a copy only to realise the people supplying tracts had a language barrier.
We also made door to door evagelism and we gave Derrick and Bashir interpreters, they
laid their hands on the sick and whosoever needed prayers. On the day we came back they
were still wanting to stay in congo. Thank you for your prayers and financial support."